Toronto's social scenesters take over the Thompson hotel rooftop lounge & lobby bar to raise awareness and funds for CAMH and their new initiative #OneBraveNight "CAMH One Brave Night for Mental Health asks Canadians to bravely share one night to inspire hope for the 1 in 5 people who will experience a mental illness in their lifetime. We challenge the country to stay up all night and fundraise in order to defeat mental illness." I'll be hosting with noted scenester, Philip Princeton and Toronto's #1 matchmaker Shannon Tebb from Shanny in the city. I'm donating my entire pay for the night + not drinking as part of the challenge and Thompson is donating portion of proceeds from the night so the bigger and better the event, the more money we will be able to give. So invite your friends, co-workers and family! Please join us to support shedding light on Mental illness and the work CAMH does to help those of us affected by it! No cover, RSVP mandatory. RSVP: 647.710.0436 | To make a donation To learn more