Hi everyone,
I thought I would start off our first blog post here with a brief word on why we are doing two Saturday night parties.
The short answer is, because we love nightlife. My experience from an entrepreneurial / nightlife perspective is that your Saturdays should be the strongest night you have and you build outward from there.
Alot of people and venues take this to mean the night you have to work the least to get the most.
I don't believe in that. I never had that luxury at Roosevelt Room and I often see that being the reason venues don't invest in their Saturday nights.
I'm very thankful INK Entertainment isn't like that. We've partnered with them at two of their venues, their crown jewel, UNIUN and their upscale retro glam beauty CUBE to curate Saturday night programming that will appeal to you, our discerning guests.
We believe we know what you are looking for, from the minute you walk up to the door, to the minute you walk back out the same.
We're looking to put some fun and excitement back into Saturday nights and both venues are uniquely suited to helping us get there.
Stay tuned for what we have in store. We're sure you'll love it!